Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7: Plan Ahead

Plan Ahead to be Frugal! Who would have thought! I know when we do things at the last minute we don't usually save as much as we could have if we had planned ahead and found coupons, went when there was a promotion or even done something free!

Mommysavers gives a few more examples of how to do things frugally here when you plan ahead.

We are planning our weekend frugally, are you? This weekend we are having a movie night Friday using the free Redbox code I got from Frugal Living and Having Fun. We are also bbqing at the house on Saturday and Sunday we have a birthday party to go to after church!

How is your spending going? If all goes well this weekend we shouldn't have to spend anything! We did good this week and today I only bought the planner I had budgeted for and was under Budget on it!!

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