Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Crest Pro-Health Advanced review

Who likes going to the dentist? Don't be shy, raise those hands......No one?!?! Oh me either! Even knowing how much cleaner my teeth are using the Crest Pro-Health I am still not a fan!  Has nothing to do with the dentist himself, it's all about the noises, smells and vibrations while they are working in my mouth....makes me cringe just thinking about it!

Anyways, BzzAgent and Crest sent me the new mouthwash to review and share about. I am not a mouthwash fan, like the dentist, on a regular basis. I can't deal w/ the burm that I get once it's in my mouth and I  am instantly spitting it out. Sound familiar?!? Well guess what! This mouthwash is burn free! My Littles were even able to use it and didn't mind!

#GotItFree #ByeByeBurn

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